Thursday, May 19, 2016


Oxford residents, business and property owners and city officials and staff came together on April 28 to participate in a visioning session that will set the tone for development of the Imagine Oxford comprehensive plan. Jason Fondren, principal planner of KPS Group, facilitated the workshop engaging participants in discussions about the city's strengths, values and opportunities for the future.

To see what people said about Oxford today and what they imagine could be, check out the Visioning Summary.

What is missing in Oxford today compared to the Oxford you imagine 20 years or so from now? To add your voice to the discussion, use the Comments section below.

Process | Schedule

The City of Oxford has assembled an advisory committee to oversee development of the Imagine Oxford comprehensive plan with assistance of KPS Group. The advisory committee includes representatives of the city council and planning commission, city staff and other stakeholders. The plan will address growth issues such as land use, transportation and infrastructure and provide recommendations to nurture economic development opportunities, an attractive, safe community environment and an overall high quality of life for the people of Oxford. Several opportunities are incorporated into the planning process to engage residents and property and business owners to shape the development of the plan.

Visioning Community Workshop

April 28, 2016 at the Oxford Civic Center, 6 PM

Growth Strategy Community Workshop

June 27, 2016 at the Oxford Civic Center, 6 PM

Interim Plan Review

Joint meeting of Advisory Committee and Planning Commission, July 2016 at Oxford City Hall

Plan Priorities Community Workshop

August 2016 at the Oxford Civic Center, 6 PM

Plan Review

Joint meeting of City Council and Planning Commission, September 2016 at Oxford City Hall

Planning Commission Public Hearing
October 2016 at Oxford City Hall

City Council Public Hearing

November 2016 at Oxford City Hall